This Dandelion in the Wind Print, whilst simple as it’s of a single dandelion, is complex due to the very fine and intricate details you can see within the design. The use of the very fine lines adds texture to the print. The way the dandelion seeds get smaller as they are ‘blown in the wind’ makes the graphic print look lifelike. Dandelions are a symbol of nature and represent the return of growth after winter, strength and power.
This wall art print would be ideal for any room in the house. It could be paired in a black and white minimalistic room and would be the main feature, but still within the colour scheme. A dark coloured wall, especially a black or navy, would complement this print and it would allow the design to stand out. Alternatively, this artwork could be placed in a room of any colour as the black and white tones in the print allow it to be very versatile within any décor.
This Dandelion in the Wind Print is printed to order on premium 200gsm enhanced matte art paper. We use a professional large format giclee printer and high-quality 12 colour inks, ensuring a gallery quality finish and 100+ year colour guarantee.
We offer a professional framing service with contemporary wooden frames for all print sizes, in a variety of colours. Frames are handmade to order, so your print will arrive mounted, framed and ready to hang to really showcase your new artwork.
mkoren2007 –
The seller was lovely to deal with and I would definitely order from this shop again. The print was wonderful and I especially appreciated the rich quality of the ink and the simplicity and charm of the image. Many thanks from Alberta Canada
Alisha –
Beautiful! Really happy
Julianne –
Love it!